Wednesday 30 September 2015

Trailer Research - Killers - Secondary Research

Trailer Research - Burton's Genre Theory

BloodShed High

In this activity, we were put into groups and given 30 minutes to come up with a storyline and trailer for a horror film and illustrate it on a storyboard. The only information we were given was that it was going to be called BloodShed High. From this task i learnt, that in the trailer all the main characters have to be introduced and should be stock characters, such as popular girl and jock. I also learnt that the trailer must have convetions of horror so an audience will be able to identify the genre. This task will have an impact on my trialer because it will make me think of the conventions I will need to use to make the representation of horror clear and also to think about character roles.

Trailer Research - Stock Characters

For this blog post, I was asked to look up stock character within a horror film. The Wanderer, Popular Girl, The Pervert, Jock, Pandora and the Final Girl. The next section to this task was to give two examples reinforcing and one example challenging the "typical" stock character. For some of the stock characters, I wasn't able to find an example that challenges the character, therefore I did another example that reinforces. From this task, Ive learnt that it's healthy to repeat the characters but it becomes out of the ordinary when you challenge the character's stereotypical characteristics because audiences know "the rules" of horror and are expecting them when watching the film. When films change or mix up the rules, it because a surprising twist that the audience will enjoy.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Trailer Research - Trailer Conventions

For this task, I was asked to look at trailer conventions for a horror trailer. I watched the trailer without sound, so I could focus on the visual features of the horror trailer. This helped understand how important sound is in a horror trailer. It helps creat suspense and jump scares more frightening. Sound can also help audiences identify genres. For example, a horror trailer would use fear inducing music and sound to show what genre in is. From completing this task I would like to use eerie, fear inducing music to spike my audience with uncertainty and fear. Also the music and sound will help the audience discover that it is a horror trailer.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Poster Analysis 3 - Genre - Sleepy Hollow

I was given the task of analysing three horror film posters to look for common conventions to use for my own film poster. Through the analysis of my three trailers, I found the similar use iof colours eg. black also similar uses of iconograoghy, everyday objects used as weapons. eg. a kitchen knife and an axe. I will be able to use these convetion in my own film poster to sell the genre of horror. Powered by emaze

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Poster Analysis 2 - SCRE4M

I was given the task of analysing three horror film posters to look for common conventions to use for my own film poster. Through the analysis of my three trailers, I found the similar use of colours eg. black also similar uses of iconograoghy, everyday objects used as weapons. eg. a kitchen knife and an axe. I have learnt that for a horror poster to be successful,you very rarely make the cast and production company noticeable on the poster because you want to sell the genre not the stars. Also that a single word or sentences and pictures can tell you a story and generate questions for their audience. I will like to be able to use these conventions in my own film poster to sell the genre of horror in a professional way.

Monday 14 September 2015

Poster Analysis 1 - Halloween (1978)

I was given the task of analysing three horror film posters to look for common conventions to use for my own film poster. Through the analysis of my three trailers, I found the similar use of colours eg. black. Also similar uses of iconography, everyday objects used as weapons. eg. a kitchen knife and an axe. I have learnt that for a horror poster to be successful,you very rarely make the cast and production company noticeable on the poster because you want to sell the genre not the stars. Also that a single word or sentences and pictures can tell you a story and generate questions for their audience. I will like to be able to use these conventions in my own film poster to sell the genre of horror in a professional way.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Trailer Research - Trailer Structure - Friday the 13th and Scream 4

For this task, I looked at trailer structures for horror films. This should enable me to get an idea for my own horror trailer. I'm lloking out for common patterns within these two trailers that show its genre.