Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Mad Max - Trailer inspiration

I watched the Mad Max Fury Road Trailer to get inspiration for my groups trailer. What element could I use? Elements that stood out to me were; -Sound and Music - The trailer used different paced music to make the trailer flow, and give the audience an understanding of what type of film it is going to be. Also the fast paced music, made the audience feel an adreneline rush. The sound was amplifyed on screen, for example when -Social Media Links - They had a website that audiences can go to and loads of social media links such as twitter, facebook ect. This allows them to have a bigger, wider range of audience. -Lighting - The lighting was used effectively to reflect mood and give the idea of emotions that the characters are going through or feeling. -Voice Over - The voice oveer was used cleverly as, in the beginning of the trailer, the villain was narrating and then it changed to the hero. They also told a short story, only using one liners. -Montage - A montage was used to show stock situations.

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